Saturday, November 21, 2009

chp.12- vocabulary-Adjust


Definition: to get used to the environment or situation.
Example: I must adjust to American life quickly.

chp.12- vocabulary-Superficial


Definition: Concern things only on the surface.
Example: Tom is superficial that he doesn't really care about anyone.

chp.12- vocabulary-Counselor


Definition: An adviser, an assistant or a person who gives advices.
Example: She is a health counselor in high school.

chp.10- vocabulary-Narrow-minded


Definition: care about little tiny things and cannot accept other opinions
Example: I don't like this narrow-minded guy.

chp.10- vocabulary-Shrugged off

Shrugged off

Definition: To disregard in an optimistic way
Example: She just shrugged off her troubles and walked away.

chp.10- vocabulary-Extrovert


Definition: A person who is active and widely accepts new things
Example: Carol is an extrovert that she is always interested in everything.

chp.9- vocabulary-Sweat it

Sweat it
Definition: worry about something
Example: Don’t sweat it. Everything will go on well.

chp.9- vocabulary-Stammered


Definition: say something quickly with repeat
Example: The children stammered in front of a stranger.

chp.9- vocabulary-Offense

Definition: To violate or break a rule
Example: I have no idea about what offense he made.

chp.4- vocabulary-Sneak


Definition: to move or pass quickly trying to make nobody notice
Example: I saw a thief sneaked into the house.

chp.4- vocabulary-Annoyance


Definition: disturbance; displeasure; feel being disturbed
Example: The little bug is an annoyance.

chp.4- vocabulary-on time

On time

Definition: at an appointed or fit time
Example: John showed up on time in her wedding.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

chp.3- vocabulary-Shocked


Definition: surprised, amazed
Example: I was shocked when I heard the news.

chp.3- vocabulary-Outgoing

Definition: friendly, extroverted
Example: Amy is an outgoing person, so she always makes friends easily.

chp.3- vocabulary-Compromise


Definition: To make concessions in a conflicting situation.
Example: I wish we can make a compromise in our discussion.

chp.1- vocabulary-Volunteer


Definition: To do something from one’s willingness.
Example: She volunteered to wash the dishes.

chp.1- vocabulary-Interpretation


Definition: An explanation of one’s own perception.
Example: He gave the melody a wonderful interpretation.

chp.1- vocabulary-appropriate


Definition: Express a suitable way to people or in an occasion
Example: She dressed up appropriate for the party.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

"Animal House" Film Analysis Report

Summary and Analysis
Kent and his friend, Larry, are two college freshmen. They were trying to get in a fraternity at their college. At first, they went into Omega house. The people there were mean to freshmen, they did not show respect to Kent and Larry. Then Kent and Larry tried the second fraternity house, Delta house. The Delta members were having a house party, drinking alcohol, playing music out loud, and taking drugs in the house. Differ from the members of Omega fraternity, the Delta members were friendly to freshmen. They invited Kent and Larry passionately into the house and introduced everyone to them. Afterward, Kent and Larry were given fraternity names as “Flounder” and “Pinto.” They were having fun in that house.
However, Dean Vernon Wormer was trying to remove Delta from campus because they violated campus rules over and over again. Although Delta fraternity was ranked as “Double Secret Probation,” they still acted as usual. One day, two of Delta members, Bluto and D-Day, found the answers of an upcoming test in a garbage can. All Delta students were using that answers cheating on the test. Unfortunately, the answers were revised by the Omega students. Eventually, all Delta students got extremely low grade points. Moreover, they all failed on the midterm exam. Therefore, they are all expelled from school by Wormer. In the end, Deltas gave rise to a chaos on the school annual parade.

Relation to Case Study
In chapter three, Maria was a college freshman that it was her first time being away from home. She was excited to have a college life in the United State and looking forward to have a great dormitory life. When she met her roommate, Jenny, she felt lucky that Jenny was a friendly and lovely person. However, getting to know each other deeply, Maria could not stand that Jenny usually brought her boyfriend back to her room and messed the room up. Finally, she wanted to move out. Compare with the spot in the movie-Animal House- the same situation happened with Kent and Larry. They were excited about joining into a fraternity. To determine from two fraternities, they went to those two fraternity houses. Just like choosing a suitable roommate, Kent and Larry finally joined the Delta fraternity.

Reaction to the movie
It’s not easy to find someone match us in any aspects, especially in life habit. If there’s any conflict between others and us, we should talk with each other and settle the problems with an agreement. Reduce the conflicts to the least

Monday, November 2, 2009

"Animal House" debate Outline

I agree with removing Delta fraternity from campus.
a. They made some troubles and hurt other students.
Ex: They hurt Doug’s neck in horse riding class.
b. They break the campus rules.
Ex: smoke, drink alcohol, drugs.
c. Damage the campus environment.
Ex: Food fighting, throw bottles randomly.
d. They didn’t pay attention to the classes.
Ex: they all failed in the test.
e. Affected other students.
Ex: they made noise such as broke windows, riding motorcycle in the house, played music loud.

Chp.3- Roommate Relations- Case Study Report

1. Statement of the Problem
A. Definition
Maria is an international student from Venezuela. It was her first time coming to the United State and had been far away from her family and friends. She was looking forward to beginning a new life and making friends in the U.S. Maria was lucky that she met Jenny, her roommate, a warm and lovely person. However, there were some different habits between them. Jenny loved hard rock music and she did not mind a messy room. In contrast, Maria hated hard rock music and she could not stand disorder. Worst of all, Jenny usually brought her boyfriend to her room. In Maria’s perception, premarital sex is a sin, so she was amazed by their behavior. She didn’t understand why American college students can regard this behavior as a common. Therefore, she turned to her friend, Elena, told her things about Jenny. Maria stayed with Elena at one night Jenny brought her boyfriend to her room again. In the next morning, when Maria went back to her room, I was total in a mess. Finally, Maria could not stand this situation anymore.
B. Analysis
Maria faced the different dormitory culture in college life. She could not get used to the American dormitory culture. She did not like that Jenny brought her boyfriend to her room. Premarital sex was regarded a sin in her country. At last, she wanted to go back home.
2. Suggestion of Possible Solutions
a. Move out to Elena’s room.
b. Talk with Jenny about the problems.
c. Go to sleep with Elena at the nights that Jenny’s boyfriend comes to visit Jenny.

3. Evaluation of Possible Solutions
a. Advantage: Maria will no longer endure Jenny’s messy room, rock music, and her boyfriend.
Disadvantage: Bring inconvenience to Elena.

b. Advantage: Maria and Jenny can set up a best agreement after talking the problems with each other.
Disadvantage: Jenny maybe feels upset that Maria is so picky to her.

c. Advantage: Maria will not be disturbed by them.
Disadvantage: Jenny’s boyfriend will come to visit Jenny more often since they have private space.

4. Selection of a Solution

Choose solution b.
Any problems should come with discussions. When we have conflicts with others, we should talk to them about our own feelings and thoughts. Then make an agreement with each other since there is a mutual perception. Afterward, we will face the same situation with ease. Therefore, Setting up an agreement is the best way to solve conflicting problems.