Summary and Analysis
Victor and Thomas are neighbors and they grew up together because of Victor’s father. Thomas was survived from a fire that killed his parents when he was an infant. The person who saved Thomas’s live was Victor’s father, Arnold. Therefore, Thomas extremely adores Arnold. However, Arnold is an alcoholic and violent person. He finally separated with Victor’s mother and left his family to Phoenix. Victor loves Arnold but also angers him.
One day, Victor decided to take a trip to Phoenix looking for Arnold. When Victor told Thomas about his plan to Phoenix, As a result, they went to Phoenix together. During the trip, they met other American people on the bus. They keep their Native American characteristics by talking to other American people with hard words and coldness. When they arrived their destination in Phoenix, they met a woman who used to work with Arnold. At that time, they knew that Arnold has already passed away. The woman told Victor a lot about Arnold’s story, including the truth that the fire was caused by Arnold. Victor finally realized why Arnold became an alcoholic, became violent and finally left his family.
Relation to Case Study
In chapter 10, Racism and Prejudice, the relationship between Francine and Tony was disturbed and annoyed by other students at university because of their different races. The similar situation related to prejudice is happened in this movie. When Victor and Thomas were on their way to Phoenix on the bus, Victor told Thomas that they should not be so friendly to others or others will not respect them. Also, Victor said that as being an American Indian, they should keep a “warrior face.” It is because of the prejudice from American people toward American Indians, Victor told Thomas to stand for their American Indian’s characteristics. Just like Tony told Francine not to be annoyed by others’ words and keep on their relationship.
Reaction to the movie
It is a big issue about different races both in chapter 10 and in this movie. Everyone should have his right to be treated fairly. Every person didn’t have chances to choose his race, skin color, and the language he speaks so no one should be prohibited doing something or building any relationship. Also, people do not have to change their native identity for others. Therefore, just like Victor and Thomas keep their identity as being American Indians, Francine and Tony should not separate by others’ judgements.
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